We went over the some of the main things to remember about Close Reading, from a little crib sheet made up by one of my colleagues. Email me if you want this (though it doesn’t have anything new; it’s just a handy reminder, to be propped up against the Corn Flake packet on the morning of the exam).
We also discussed the suitability for our texts of various exam-type questions made up by another of my colleagues, and you tried writing one. No one handed theirs in, however, which suggests that you're not working quickly enough! Please finish what you wrote and send it to me, together with one or two essays. Email them to me by Tuesday at the latest, to give me a chance to mark them.
Next week, as I said last week, I’ll be there and will be happy to do any revision/marking/advice on demand.
Meanwhile, revise your texts! Learn quotes! Despite the evidence from the SQA workshop, I’d still recommend trying to get at least 5 relevant quotations into each essay (many more for essays on poetry) – so this means learning 10 for each of the play and the novel, since the relevance will depend on the question.
Feel free to email me if you have any problems with which you feel I could help: pdonaldson@stevenson.ac.uk
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