This is going to be quite short as the janitor will shortly be at the door, rattling his keys. Life is getting away from me this week.
Today we read “Glasgow 5th March” by Edwin Morgan, which I personally don’t think has quite enough to write about in the exam, and Philip Larkin’s “Poetry of Departures”, which certainly does.

We read part of Act 2 of “View”, in which Catherine and Rodolpho look set to marry; Eddie comes home drunk to find them coming out of the bedroom and tells Rodolpho to leave; Eddie goes again to Alfieri to ask for help from the law – none is forthcoming; Eddie decides, in desperation, to report the cousins to the Immigration Bureau and is seen doing so by Louis. Eddie then arrives home to find that the cousins have moved upstairs to the neighbours’ house, where there are other immigrants too – and he becomes very angry.
Homework: 2002 Close Reading, passage 2. This is slightly unusual because it’s very colloquially written – therefore very easy to read, though it doesn’t mean that the questions are any easier than usual.
Hello! just saying i've read it but haven't really found anything to comment on other than a slightly odd janitor who seems to use his keys as a weapon?
ive read it.
The blog has been read, and as you pointed out, the Close Reading questions aren't as straightforward as the passage might suggest. Question 9 is particularly unfriendly...
Minor update: Question 8 is the nasty one, not 9. 9 is quite nice actually.
Maths was never my strongest subject.
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